Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Exit Splash Review

 Being a marketer in the online world can be a joyful job to have; think about it, waking up whenever you want to, starting work whenever you want to without having any bosses to answer to nor having to travel anywhere except for the trips you want to take with your family and depending on if you were properly trained as an internet marketer, who you are marketing for, and what you are marketing, the money you can earn and the amount you have earned up to this point can be very rewarding from the amount of experiences I have read about from internet marketers promoting certain products for different companies.
 Starting out in the online world of advertising as a complete newbie can prove to be very challenging most of the time few of the reasons being new products are added online every day which means more information being added on top of the tremendous amount of information the internet already has and if you plan on promoting a new product whether it being your own or someone else’s that means more time you have to spend reading and researching on the product to gather information that you need to present to your audience.
  Once you have gather all the information you needed you then need to figure out what type of audience you want to target your product towards but before doing that you need to categorize your product which is usually for the most part easy. Now the part that a lot of newbies have to really think about when promoting their product is competition and boy will there always be competition no matter which niche you decide to go with. There will always be somebody out there that is promoting a product similar to yours and possibly better but the good thing about having an audience is that they are the judges, they are the people that you are looking to get approval from not your competition. If marketers didn’t have an audience to promote to then what would be the point of being internet marketers?
  In my best answer which is my opinion as well, it’s our job as internet marketers to bring the products to them because our audience is not certainly going to hunt down the products they need by themselves. They would feel like that’s too much to do, which is and too much time, which they don’t have. We live in an instant gratification and servitude society, we serve our audience, and they pay us for the service, that’s the way this system works and has worked for many years with advancements along the way.
 There is a lot of ground available prior to becoming an internet marketer it’s just a matter of a few things such as,
  •  Having a product
  •  The benefits a product has
  •  Choosing  a niche related to the product
  •  Getting the attention of the audience your targeting in that niche
  •  Making sure that you have a product that people are looking for

And what I mean by the last part is that even though there are a lot of products available to market people in general are very selective and opinionated when it comes down to it and the honest truth is…they have the right to be, why? Because they are ready to spend money on these products we promote but they just don’t want any product, they want the product that comes with a guaranteed iron clad in other words 100% promise of the item’s functionality and benefits that it can bring to them.
  Unfortunately there is no such thing as the perfect product which is the reason why there are not only a variety of brands to choose from with a general item but which is why I said earlier people are selective and opinionated when it comes to products because they are not going to pay for just anything being offered, they have no problem making a criticizing decision about a product before buying, and will not hold back when it comes  to having to make a complaint on a product and demanding a refund for their money only to go to your competition causing you not only a bad reputation but any hopes of a profit you had thought of gaining.
  There’s no need of worrying though because one of the cool facts about marketing products is, many people can buy the same product but that one product won’t work the same for everyone so consider this as fair game and just make sure that what you are promoting is something everyone will be looking to pay top dollar for and for the majority of the time not be disappointed to own or recommend to others; this is good especially if it’s an consumable item. Marketing is not hard at all; it just has a very huge learning curve to overcome, look at the commercials that are shown online and on television and think about the people involve with making those commercials and how they started in the beginning. Better yet think about how many years it has been since products have been advertised on commercials. This is certainly something worth thinking about.
  Remember though that being an internet marketer is not a 9-5 job so don’t treat it as such, do not stress yourself out over what product to choose or checking the statistics table only to see that you have not made any progress that day on the product you’re promoting. Embrace the fact that being an internet marketer you are going to get days like these especially more in the beginning when you’re new at this so be patient with yourself when it comes to a lot of trials and errors and don’t be quick to give up.
   When starting out in the beginning remember to have fun marketing products do not think of making money as being the only main objective  to be an internet marketer. Come up with other reasons such as you doing this as a way of you paying it forward on your part because you genuinely want to help others to be free from financial burdens and happy to have time to do what they want to do, etc.
When you do this it helps supplant into your mind that you enjoy doing this which in turn make you go from doing an hour or two to maybe three hours or more if you feel up to it. For some reason whenever you make money your main objective only in any business endeavor it seems to have a way of bringing along unwanted stress as if you were working that 9-5 job so again have fun when it comes to marketing, trust me it makes getting through the learning curve noticeably easier.
   Let’s just say you have your product, your niche, and your ideal targeted audience, now you’re probably wondering, “How do I go about getting the attention of my audience for the product I’m promoting? This is where the real work comes in at because right now there are many ways of drawing in your audience through multiples of marketing strategies.

Marketing strategies like,

·        Solo ads
·        Social Media
·        Blogging
·        Customized Websites
·        Word of Mouth
·        Web 2.0
·        Video Marketing
·        Postcard Marketing

 Basically you get the idea. Drawing in your audience is going to involve putting on your thinking cap and getting creative. Regardless of what strategy you decide to go with you have to remember that when starting out new with anything it’s going to be hard in the beginning so if you really want to do this then do it and like I told you earlier have fun doing this.
  Okay so there are two types of marketing you have, paid marketing and free marketing, for some reason I see a lot of newbies start off with paid marketing through websites that they have to customize. Websites don’t cost a lot at all its just when you get to advertising them is where the problem starts to come in at. When you are making your website you have to do a couple of tweaks such as the background color, the font of the words, where you want your ads to be placed at on your page, and other small stuff that comes to making your products website stand out.
  Advertising your website can cost you money, a lot of it too, it comes down to how long you want your website up for and what type of  advertising strategy you are using whether it be pay-per-click, per a thousand impressions, etc.
 Okay so you got your product, your niche, your targeted audience, and finally your website which you have put 110% in making look really good, you start to notice that once you advertised your website and gave it a day or two you checked the stats of your website only to see that the good news is you have a lot of visitors looking at your website but the conversion rate and profit is still zilch and the part that sucks is some of the money you put down on advertising your product is wasted and now you stand there wandering what the problem could possibly be.
  You then decide to switch around your marketing strategies and tools only to find that this time you have more visitors from the first time but only one or two who bought your product but now you spent the majority of your advertising fund having to pay more to keep your website going because deep down inside you know that you have worked diligently and you want to see good results as your outcome but at this moment you have experienced a different outcome then the one you played out in your head. What could it be?

 Dave Guidon, a software developer, webmaster, and online entrepreneur who has earned his bachelor’s in English and Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering explains on his sale page that the reason visitors leave a website without taking any action is because many of them are not going to take the time to read or view the content on your page which gives you a matter of a few seconds to capture their attention and if missed you lose them, often forever.
Visitors that don’t take action means as I explained a little earlier that means again you are wasting a percentage of your web traffic and not making any money from your sites. This includes sites such as….
Sales pages-What you’re selling.
 E-commerce Sites- What you’re selling or promoting.
 Landing pages-What kind of landing page it is.
 Squeeze pages –Your opt-in rate.
 Content sites-your niche or method of monetization.

And it applies regardless of where you’re getting your traffic from…
 Other paid traffic
 Affiliate traffic
Web 2.0/social traffic

 Dave introduces his software Exit Splash to use as solution to stopping your visitors from slipping through your page and start saving your traffic and converting it into more sales and subscribers.  Exit splash is a special web page that your visitor is taken to as an alternative to leaving your site. The Exit Splash program gives you an opportunity to open a channel of communication with them, to capture their attention, and turn that potentially wasted visitor into a lead or sale.
Here’s how exit splash works
 When someone tries to leave your site, an unblocked box will pop up and give them a reason to stay on your site. If the visitor decides to stay on your site they will then be redirected to an “Exit Splash” page. This unblocked box or special dialogue box to be more proper is built into all browser software and is part of Internet protocol. It’s that grey that I’m sure all of us have seen when something went wrong with the computer or if just generally encountering an error which you cannot ignore and have to continue the process.

 Exit Splash comes with a script that enables you to put your messages on that box in 
which your visitors will be forced to view, where they will have to make a decision right then and there. Stay on the site and look at the offer again or continue to leave the site which in either circumstance means forcing them to take action!
 This simple, but powerful small action is what makes visitors more than likely buy from you. Small action and commitment in the sales process often lead into a bigger action, a bigger sale, making Exit Splash a great tool to use in converting prospects into buyers. Visit their website at  to see marketers had to say about the program.

What makes Exit Splash truly better than anything similar to it?

 It’s simple to use. It’s so simple that there is no admin area to configure. There is nothing to log into or configure, no database, nothing to program, no responses to write, just a simple and powerful script to upload by selecting a few options on the user-friendly code-generator and copy and paste into your website.
David has also three incredible features that he has added to Exit Splash that helps drastically improves you chances of your visitors clicking the button to go to your exit splash page and remain on your site which also helps increase the click-through-rate:

Impact alert message. An optional “alert” message that will pop up first and provide a customizable message to your visitor to instruct them about how to click the next message to stay on your site. This helps ensure that they understand which button to click to make sure they stay instead of leaving, and eliminates the problem of them clicking away without reading your message.
Impact Image. An optional image that Exit Splash is programmed to display with a customizable background color. It gives visitors a visual representation of WHERE to click so they know how to stay on your site.
 Impact Audio. You can choose to play an audio message when the splash pop-up appears. The audio instructs them what to do by telling them how to stay on the site so that they can get a free discount, gift, or whatever your Exit Splash page is offering. Some people tend not to read things very well, so if you have someone talking to them while reading it, it will greatly increase your chance of getting their attention and directing them to take the desired action.
There are many ways of using Exit Splash to show anything from discount offers, to squeeze pages, to exit polls, or even to send them to an affiliate link, just visit to read about the unlimited number of possibilities that you can have by purchasing Exit Splash.

 Along with purchasing Exit Splash today Dave Guidon offers other great tools and scripts that you can paste right into your Exit Splash pages to create instant value.

Viral Twitter Generator

With Twitter being one of the hottest social networking sites to hit the internet it has also become a targeted area for marketers to build profitable lists of followers, and to virally spread links for their products. This is a tactic that Dave has used to gain over 1,700 twitter followers in three days, and make many sales with his products. 
The product works by you offering someone a “free gift” in exchange for Re-tweeting a message about your product on twitter.
They click the tool to Re-tweet the message, after the tweet, they are redirected to the download page for the gift.

The benefit is two-fold..
       Your product is being advertised on Twitter for free.
             You’re gaining more followers for your Twitter account.

The suggestion box Generator

This a great tool to use to find out exactly why visitors are leaving your website.  If you are serious about multiplying your conversions this will be one of the most powerful tools you will use. People like to give their opinions, so when your pop-up gives them
the opportunity to stay for a moment and give their opinion, many visitors will oblige.

 The responses from your suggestion box can be sent directly to your email, so you can keep a pulse on the feedback from your site. You may optionally enable the customer to provide their email in which case you could follow up with them to handle their concern only, which may result in more sales.

This tool will not only help you optimize your website, it also has two methods of monetization built into it…

When a visitor submits the form, you can direct them to any link of your choice. That means you can send them to another offer that they may be interested in, or to a squeeze page, or to your twitter page for example.
 The form also has a link at the bottom which allows you to earn commissions for referring people to this Exit Splash program.

The optional monetization bar enables you to add income stream to your Exit Splash pages by generating an “ad bar” across the top of your entire Exit Splash page. The ad bar is fully customizable, and you can earn extra income from it in one or two ways…

You can use the default mode, which means you will earn commissions for referring visitors to this software.
Or you could put in a custom link of your own. It could be a link to one of your sites or even an affiliate link.

Also included are Dave’s handpicked Impact bonuses which are  specifically designed for the purpose of helping you to make a maximum impact on your business using Exit Splash...
Impact Bonus #1- Exit Splash page templates ($37value)

 Impact Bonus #2- Optin form video($47 value) 

 Impact Bonus# 3- Discount payment button video($27value)

 Impact Bonus #4- Impact Graphics Package($47 value)

 Impact Bonus#5- How to poll video($27 value)

 Impact Bonus #6- Audio Impact Video($37 value)

 Impact Bonus#7- Web Traffic Secrets Video Series($97 value)

Impact Bonus#8- HTML for Beginners Video Series(97 value)

When you buy Exit Splash today you will get step-by-step instructional videos so that you can see how to use everything included in your Exit Splash package as well as 24/7 access to Dave’s help desk and will receive a personal email address of his custom Support Manager.

Here’s another quick review of what you’ll be getting all together with Exit Splash
Exit Splash Script $197.00
Viral Twitter Box Script $67.00
Suggest Box Script $47.00
Exit Page Templates $37.00
Optin Form Video $47.00
Discount Payment Button Video $27.00
Impact Graphics Package $47.00
Discount Payment Button Toolkit $27.00
How to Poll Video $27.00
Impact Audio Video $37.00
Web Traffic Video Series $97.00
HTML for Beginners Video Series $97.00
Instructional Quick-Start Help Videos FREE
Tools Section Containing the Code Generators FREE
Script Updates for LIFE! FREE
Total Value Today

 All this for the price of only $67 one-time fee today with no more payments! So you better go to and make a choice now because the price will be going up soon and when you make the purchase you will have full 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

If you want to learn how to get paid to review products online is continually growing and developing a successful network of home typists.  We've recently upgraded our members section with professional video training and step by step instructions.
 After completing our basic video training course you may begin to follow our type at home process.  Come and join us and have fun working from home. It is a great opportunity for stay at home moms, college students and those looking to either supplement an income or replace an income. works with any schedule. You can sign up for either the part-time position which pays $25-$45 per assignment, whereas the full-time typist earns $50-$75 per assignment and the Business Owner earns $100-$175 per assignment.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Click Bank Code Review

Who ever told you that being an affiliate/Internet Marketer is easy were obviously were plain wrong or just having a fortunate day with their marketing results …because it’s not. Now don’t get me wrong being an affiliate marketer is a nice part-time job to have on the side if you want to make a little extra income or full-time job if you are absolutely tired of working the constant 8-12 hour shifts only to get paid enough for the bills to be taken care of, depending on what type of job you may have. If you do have a job that pays you decently for working that many hours that’s fine too; if you enjoy only earning income that way.
    Ask yourself this, why work some many hours and days earning a decent living when you can work from home, less hours, and earn what you make at your job or more . These days because of the financial crisis our economy is having many have to work two-three jobs just to make ends meet, some work twice as hard as hard to just to keep their decent or expensive lifestyle, and then their ore still yet others like me who spend hours online finding ways to earn an legitimate extra income because of not wanting to degrade themselves to work slave status or simply because not everyone can handle the stress so easily of having to work extra harder or having more than one job at a time
 Looking for a legitimate way of earning an income online can take a very long time to do because with the Internet today comes a lot of information for you to sort through. You’ll find some programs that when you read about it or look at a video on it can look very promising and without thinking you pull out the credit card only to find that when you buy it they have other offer pages of products that is suppose to help you make the results you need or to make them faster. This can be a problem especially if you were only expecting to spend a certain amount because of being strapped for cash. I’m sure in your mind, like many, you were hoping to get started right away without the extra advertisement.
  Unfortunately in the world of internet marketing it just doesn’t work that way at all because everybody is all about earning that extra dollar, it just depends on how you go about doing it and for some it can go as far as throwing a product together that won’t be bring full promise and advertise that product to the customer persuading them with their flashy videos, well picked out words, and too-good-to-be-true earnings to spend their hard-earned money only to find that product to not work as it should or for the creator of that product to not effectively walk you through step by step on how to use the system to produce the same results since most products online these days should be solely focused on implementation; nut their sole intention is to only take your money and leave you hanging in the dust. The best advice I can give to you if you are the type to just buy products because of the too-good-to-be-true results, make sure you go with the ones that offer you a money back guarantee after you gave it your absolute best try.
 The reason I say that is because at times though it can also be simply because of a customer who expects get-rich-quick results that involves zero work and only expect money to just instantly pop out of thin air into their hands. As you can see becoming an affiliate marketer involves a lot of trials and errors that can eventually leave one to just give up trying to find what works and sticking to it, only to end up doing what others are doing….picking up that extra job or them extra hours. The one thing that I found very interesting about persistence when it comes to online income is that when you first start looking for that one program that works you will not find it in the beginning.
  “Knock and the door will open, ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find it”. This is the one of the famous quotes that you should follow when it comes to finding a legitimate source of online income. So in a nutshell, when you don’t find the right program that fits you do not under no circumstances give up, the more you search the quicker you’ll find what you’re looking for and if your are determined like you say you are in looking to earn money from home and not work as much so that you can have more free time to do what you want whether be with family, friends, vacations, or catching up on hobbies, then use this as your reason to keep going and looking for that one program and remember the same thing will not work for everyone so don’t knock it like some people are doing until you try it.
  On that note before I start talking about today’s product I would just like to bring out that if you are new to the internet marketing world as a newbie in affiliate marketing or owning a product that you would like to promote to a target niche, I suggest checking out this website at Clickbank is an online marketplace for digital information products. It serves as a connection between digital content creators (known as vendors) and affiliate marketers who then serve as the middleman, as I like to phrase it, by taking the vendors product and promoting it to a targeted group (consumers) by using a variety of tools from effective SEO, to PPC, solo ads, blogging, article and many other tactics to help make a profit for not only the vendor, but for yourself as well if you are successful at drawing in that targeted audience. In 2011 Clickbank was named as the top affiliate network in the United States and has had success in attracting over 1.5 million affiliate marketers, in which 100,000 are active at any given time. In June 2011 Clickbank has made a claim of paying vendors and affiliates over $1.8 billion in commissions, processing up to 35,000 transactions per day, and generating over $350 million in revenue. It currently offers 46,000 individual products from a wide range of categories to its affiliates to promote and is providing service in over 200 countries as of today.
   Numbers don’t lie as some people say and from the figures I shared with you  you don’t have to think twice at all when it comes to joining Clickbank and getting started as a vendor or more often an affiliate. Since 1998, Clickbank has helped tens of thousands of people gain more financial  control and freedom by turning their knowledge, passions, hobbies and work experiences in to an additional source of ongoing income. If you’re ready to make that passive income online join Clickbank now there are customers who need finding items that you can bring to them and vendors who need your help in leading their products to those eager customers.
Advantages to Joining Clickbank Network
·        Anyone can register. You’re not required to have a website or a track record before you’re accepted into the Clickbank network. Registration is easy, and this is why a lot of newbies go to Clickbank first. Unfortunately, if your country is not in registration list, you cannot get in.
·        You’re free to promote any merchant. Unlike typical networks where the merchant or affiliate network manager can reject your application to promote a particular offer, Clickbank merchants have no say in affiliate selection.
·        Tons of products to promote. You have more than 46,000 digital products to promote as an affiliate. Even if you assume that %50 of the products are crap, that’s still a huge number.
·        Supports recurring commissions. One of the few affiliate networks that support recurring payment products, and a s a result, can pay you recurring commissions.
·        Less promotional restrictions. Besides blatant spam, Clickbank does not impose many restrictions on how you can promote. You’re fee to use email marketing, review websites, paid ad traffic and other methods not usually loved by affiliate networks. You can even get away with bidding on the product name keywords on Google Adwords.

Disadvantages to joining the Clickbank Network
·        Affiliates are allowed (and encouraged) to buy with their own affiliate link. This means that you’re losing a great deal of your commissions. Clickbank doesn’t really care about this, since their fees are based on the total sale amount.
·        Affiliates are charged a portion of fees. They are the only affiliate network I know so far that splits the feed between the affiliate and the vendor. Perhaps the reason why they encourage the affiliates to buy with their own affiliate link.
·        Insufficient affiliate promotional tools. Clickbank does not serve affiliate banners, or provide any useful conversion tracking tool other than TID conversion tracking.
·        Tons of “Get rich quick” products. Interestingly enough, most of the get-rich-quick products are about making money from Clickbank itself. Although Clickbank provides a 60-day money back guarantee, the sheer number of these products can ruin Clickbank’s reputation in the long-run.
·        Tons of inactive merchants. Clickbank does not track merchants sites for compliance once the initial approval process is completed. As a result you may be promoting a Clickbank product that is no longer active without even realizing it. Since Clickbank don’t track which offer you’ve been accepted to, there is no way for them to warn you when a merchant has been removed.
Need more proof for getting started with Clickbank

 Follow the video below to help you get started.

 Now that you have gotten signed up and hopefully have made careful consideration as to what niche you’ve chosen and what products struck your attention in promoting to that targeted audience , you may be asking yourself, How do I start promoting my products, what advertising tools are out there for me to use? What are the most effective advertising tools to use?

Now that I’ve gave you enough information about Clickbank , I’m going to introduce you to a product that I have heard a little buzz about called …

As explained in the video and on the website at, Michael Jones, a 39 year old internet marketer created the Clickbank code a product that has made him almost $50,000 and claims that if you follow 28 step-by-step videos can make you close to $11,000 in your first week after buying the product and $48,000 in a month. Michael Jones promises that with Clickbank code you will quickly and easily generate a job-replacing income, build an auto-pilot business that generates commission checks day and night, and whip your current promotions into shape and quickly join the ranks of six and possibly seven figure marketers.
If you decide to purchase this product today here’s a few of the things that Michael will be talking about and showing you how to do, that if done right the first time and in one sitting could help you start earning profits as soon as tomorrow.
·        5 Hours of high quality video tuition, watching Michael, and repeating exactly what he does to see the commissions flooding your Clickbank account.
·        How to choose products that will stuff your account with cash- Not picking the same old high gravity products that every other Clickbank affiliate jumps. With this product Michael will show you his simple mathematical formula for picking the highest converting product every time.
·        Where to get insane amounts of the most targeted traffic you could ever want making you more profitable than your competitors.
·        How to use Adwords, a powerful system  where  99.9% of the people are doing everything wrong -without losing money at the same time and instead sucking in your targeted traffic for close to the price of nothing.
·        How you can throw together a landing page in an afternoon that will destroy the guys who have been at this for years embarrassing them and making commissions for you!
·        The secrets behind running a “set & forget” internet business that generates income while you sleep. And while you hang out with friends.
And while you take exotic vacations…heck, it’ll keep on running whatever you’re doing!

And that’s a fraction of what you’ll be learning in this 28 video program. You see Michael is revealing all of his secrets owing it to us take control of lives and implement the secrets that will help us to never have to work for someone else again

Secrets like:
·        The top secret website you can use to generate a list of high profit products to promote and automatically know which ones will make you the most cash.
·        The six steps you must take to get ahead of 99.9% of other marketers.
·        How you can be making money in just a few moments of starting out…
·        The two things a product absolutely must have before you can even consider promoting it
·        Why long tail keywords will strangle your profits almost instantly…
·        The best part is Michael hands you his exact spreadsheet that he uses to make money, then he’ll show us how to work out profit and loss before even getting started…
·        How to get access to the exact web templates Michael  uses for free
·        How to spend less than two hours putting a website together that gets you the highest possible Quality Score…
·        The 16 things your site needs to get max quality score…if you don’t have every single one, your site is doomed.
·        How to create a landing page that actually increases the vendor’s page conversions…
·        When you need to arrange your keywords in a certain way to get the lowest clicks…
·        What to do if you get slapped and dashed; if your ad prices suddenly go crazy, here’s how to fix it.
                       Sounds like a lot of stuff, but it would take more time to mention        
                       more about the program, it’s almost too much to mention. Still feel a little apprehensive about it?


Customers Testimonials
“Wow! This is perfect for anyone!!!
“I was speechless…my jaw had dropped when MJ sat us down and explained what he was coming up with next.
This “Clickbank code” just might change how things are done in the IM world forever. It’s that awesome!
Mike, you guys did an awesome job putting this together, I can’t wait until everybody gets a taste of this!”
Take care brother,
-Lanty Paul

The Clickbank Code is awesome!!
It’s easily one of the best courses I’ve ever seen on “How to make money with Clickbank”.
I love the 28 easy-to-follow videos that show step-by-step how to go from beginner to advanced Clickbank affiliate in just a few hours.
By far my favorite video is the one that shows how to “scale up” winning affiliate promotions for huge increase in profits.
The information you’ve provided will help anyone who has the desire to take advantage of the earning potential of Clickbank
Thanks for creating such a great product1
Brian Holdren

 Just do yourself a favor and go to, check out the site directly for yourself  afterwards  go ahead  buy the product for $77 before the price goes up for good and give it your best try. You have nothing to lose and commissions to gain with the 60-day money back guarantee that Michael offers. Along with making a purchase of the Clickbank Code you are going to get two fast action bonuses valued at almost $2,000.

Bonus 1
Niche Navigator-A step by step guide to uncovering profitable niches
   You get full PLR rights so you can resell it and keep every cent…giving you very thing you need. Suggested Resale Price-$27

Bonus 2
Twitter Treasure Chest- Uncovering the hidden riches inside Twitter…
    Twitter is huge right now so you get to capitalize on this huge trend among marketers… Suggested Resale Price-$27
Each bonus book comes complete with:
·        A high impact sales page including salescopy
·        A hyper effective squeeze page
·        Top quality headers and footers to make your pages stand out
·        30 page ebook of the highest quality
·        Complete ecovers-6 different sizes to fit any page
·        Source files for everything-you edit the whole thing and make it unique
·        5 Super persuasive autoresponsive messages…follow up with your visitors and maximize your conversions…

I know it sound s like a lot to wrap your head around but if you go ahead and hurry up to get started Michael promises that he will walk you through step-by-step on everything not leaving you to figure everything out on your own. Here’s another word of advice for you when starting out as an affiliate marketer buying products such as this.

 When you are going through a product...Especially one with videos that compliments the material brought out…you will not learn anything just going through it once like I’m sure some people do. You need to keep going through it over and over again, I like to call it over learning the material but not only that you need to be implementing the material as you go and serves you no good to go through the information first, then implement the material only to go through it again because you had forgotten a main point or step. Make life easier and just implement as you go this is how you can guarantee you success.

   If after buying the product you find that you still need a little more help. I recommend going to YouTube and look for Lisa Irby, who I like to call the Clickbank Queen. She has 137 videos worth of information most of it being Clickbank that I’m sure you will find very helpful.

Here is a sample video that she has on getting started with Clickbank.

 If you want to learn how to get paid to make articles online is continually growing and developing a successful network of home typists.  We've recently upgraded our members section with professional video training and step by step instructions.  After completing our basic video training course you may begin to follow our type at home process.  Come and join us and have fun working from home. It is a great opportunity for stay at home moms, college students and those looking to either supplement an income or replace an income. works with any schedule.
  You can sign up for either the part-time position which pays $25-$45 per assignment, whereas the full-time typist earns $50-$75 per assignment and the Business Owner earns $100-$175 per assignment.